Sunday, 23 October 2011

Sunday 23rd October '11

Howdy! Well, today i'm getting my head down and doing revising butttt i've got many things to look forward to over the next few i thought, in order to perk myself up, i'd share with you wonderful people my plans for the rest of the half-term (1/2t)..;
As I am currently in the Shire (just not telling which one!), i'm roughly 20 miles away from decent shopping locations, but we're going to a nearby city/town thing with a rather mediocre, but it-shall-do shopping centre! I'm intending to get my eyebrows done while we're there-and i do believe i'm getting them threaded- beauty procedure review numero 1! yay! I also have a dentist appointment though, so the good is rebalanced with the...dentists. 
GOING TO LONDON TODAY! yayayayayayay! I probably won't get there til late afternoon, but the Tate Britain is open til 6- so i might go have another look around literally the best art gallery ever! 
GALLIVANTING ROUND THE 3 FLOOR TOPSHOP. yay! haven't been shopping in London since January, so i'm rather excited! 
Seeing grandpaps! Love my grandad, he's literally the funniest person i know, so that'll definitely be a giggle..when we went to Italy, he came to visit, and we lost him in Venice, and found him dancing/tapping to a street performer. He is an amazing man! 
Going down to Birmingham on Thursday h'aaaafternoon to see my Aunt, Uncle, cousins and other grandparents. Haven't seen them in...too long. So i'll be happyhappyhappy blogging!
Idk if my hair appointment is Friday or Saturday, but i have a hair appointment one, a day of shopping in the bullring the t'other-so either way- luciana = :D :D :D 
Whichever way round it is- i'm going to a youth foundation halloween party on the saturday night, so i'm pretty excited- get to go in full costume:') I'm also going to one on the monday night, even though it's school (thankyou mama!) and staying over, so yay!
*recovering from party
So that's what i'm looking forward to in my dark hours of revising! 


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