Sunday, 15 January 2012

Blog Sale! Nars Sheerglow Foundation

Blog Sale

So, blog sales are stressful, and exciting and an oppurtunity to grab yourself a really really good bargain. I'm aware Viviana Does Makeup had one this morning, and within minutes everything was either pending, or sold! Obviously i don't expect that of this, but it's nice to have the oppurunity to clear out my makeup collection and rehome my maqillage! 
There's only a couple of items going, but, i'll add to it as we go along! 
Payment methods can be different:L 
Send the money in a card/letter in an envelope through the post! Just putting it out there! 

Anyway, let's get down to the important thing: the saaaaaaale!


Virgin Vie Pop Colour Palette - £5.00

Usage as shown (a few swipes out of each!)

Urban Decay Brow Box in Gingersnaps (w/out mini brushes) - £3.00

Don't be fooled- the colours would look best on someone with red/ginger hair or very fair hair:) 

Nars Sheerglow Foundation in Siberia - £20 (asking price)

I'm cleansing myself of this, because, as you can see, it's too pale/yellow undertoned for my skin! Possibly look best on very pale/ pale Asian skin :) 
Usage: about 10-15% of product- a little goes a looong way, so the rest should last you months!

Alternatively, if you have an unwanted makeup-product, let me know what it is, and let's swap! :)

Please leave comments etc, or questions about any of the products!

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I'd love to grab the Nars foundation off you :) email me with the information :)



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