Sunday, 8 January 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award!

Hey there m'darls! Well, i've had zero interconnect connection this weekend, which has let me become one with nature and such things (not really, but i got tonnes of work done YAY!), and i come back to find the laaaaaaaarvely Lauren from Lau's Loft has awarded me the Kreativ Blogger Award, which is an interblogger thing! It's very flattering, and amazing to know people read and like my bloggywog! 
So, here be the detailssss:
You answer these questions/facts, then tag some more bloggers! Yay! 

1. Name your favourite song.
Errrr,my all-time favourite is from Pretty Little Liars (lovelovelovelarrrrve) and it's called All Those Pretty Lights by Andrew Belle

2. Name your favourite dessert.
Chocolate tarte (or tarte au chocolat! -it's the only tarte i prefer to amazonian clay blusher ones;)) 

3. What ticks you off?
people that take everything for granted..and queue jumpers

4. When I'm upset I...
listen to depressing songs and eat
5. Favourite Pet...
i had a cat, which died :/ but i now have a wonderful goldfish named Bruno (Mars)

6. Black or White?
"it don't matter bout black'n'white cause we're human..."2Pac Shakurrrr, but seriously though, idk. Probably black for makeup packaging. Because it looks more claaaarssy darling

7. Biggest fear...
Spiders (only the big ones) and heights 

8. Everyday attitude?
Quite relaxed, take it as it comes...but a total control freak when it comes to makeup. And tidiness.

9. What is perfection?
For me? Errr,  waking up in the early hours of the morning and being able to think "I've got hours of sleep left" - SO satisfying!!
10. Guilty pleasure.
Terry's Chocolate Orange, and buying makeup

7 Facts:
  1. I never throw away teddies, because i watched Toy Story too much as a child
  2. I love Disney films with every ounce / fibre of my being
  3. I am a Lush and Mac virgin (hopefully to be sorted in 2012!)
  4. I am very very very very very x10937085769876 indecisive
  5. My dad has an extra ear lobe? :s (thats something unusual...right?!)
  6. I have an extra dot in my right eye (i'll put a picture up in some future-y time)
  7. and finallyyyyyyy, when i was 3, i stood up on stage at the Birmingham Hippodrome in front of like 3000 people during Dick Whittington or something pantomime and sang Baa Baa Black sheep.  For a teddy bear. And a balloon which contained a tenner. Which i never actually got.

10 Bloggers:
Well, i don't exactly very well know that manyyyyyyy, buttttttttt heres 3!:
Becca at the fashion-train:
Shabna at scheien:
Marilou at my precious nail polish:

If i've tagged you, it's kinda a PIKACHU, I CHOSE YOU! deal, so copy and paste the 7 facts etc things and feel happy that you've got the Kreativ spirit about you!X

All my love, you wonderful, beautiful people!


Thankyou so much for taking the time to read my blog♥ It truly means the world to me and gets me so excited when i see you've commented! So, go on then, inform me of your wonderful imaginings♥♥