Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Procrastination (Midweek Portrait 003)

We all do it, and i'm doing it right now. I've procrastinated writing my next blog post, not due to writers block, but due to severe lack of belief that i am interesting, or my opinions are educated enough to form.
Anyway, i'm fine etc. Life is life, exams are exams (and some are tomorrow), and yeah. I'm still a beauty addict, pining after a DSLR and always finding new ways to whitter away my money!
Anyway, i have a chemistry exam tomorrow, so i'll be off for now! Hopefully, i'll post tomorrow and get back into the swing of blogging again!
All my love, S. X

Would you believe the lipstick i'm wearing in this photo is the only makeup i was wearing? Yikes!
Anyway my bargain Topshop cardi (post to come), toussled locks and a healthy slick of some Chanel red lipstick! 


  1. preetttttyyyy! you dont even need to wear make-up :)
    good luck with your exams! xx

  2. haha thankyou! but i think it's the whole b+w thing;)
    thankyou very much, you too! (exams suck right?!)xx


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