Hehe, hey there bloggers!
Happy 5th November, and sorry for skipping my daily post yesterday!
So today, i'll be revising, amongst other bits and pieces, and possibly going to a local fireworks display tonight, which i'm quite excited about! Unfortunately, i have to keep off the toffee apples due to my braces (yeah, i have braces! nothing new, but you can't see them well..as they're clear) , but fear not! I'll be just as comfortable lounging by a massive bonfire, roasting marshmallows and possibly seeing someone! (yessss, i got asked if i wanted to go and see him, which is great, because, yknow, he's nice)
However, i have more pressing issues to sort out! So, yesterday, my father (who lives in London) gave me a ring and said that next week, he's going to Washington and Would I like any yankee Cosmetics bringing back?
YESYESYESYESYESYES! So, i'm compiling a list of things! ATM, there are 2 essential products, but there are lots of other things which he can choose between to get me. I know it sounds spoilt, but this is a big thing! As a makeup addict, i know (and so does my dad) t hat american makeup is a BIG THING! So, my two ultimate things are : CG lashblast mascara and tarte amazonian clay blush in dollface..I'm enthralled by all the different CG lipglosses, so i may toy around with the idea! Any other things i should know about American slap? Let me know!
Also, i'll be posting a picture of my Bonfire night outfit later- i'll keep you posted!
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