Monday, 14 November 2011

Love list 002

Well, it's been about 203058789209875986 years since i last love listed it up, so i thought i'd casually second it! 
Basically, it's 3 things which i just...well, as previously said, will sell my soul for. If anyone's interested in the trade, let me know! ;) 
First is this beautiful beautiful bag! For me, it is the love child of beauty and fashion. mmm. It's designed by Mischa Barton, and produced by Germaine, a lesser known bag designer. Hopefully (fingers, toes and eyes crossed) i'm receiving this for christmas! Eeeek! I've noticed in my posts, i could be perceived as a spoilt brat, but belieeeeve me, thats not the case! When my dad goes away, he likes to bring me stuff back etc, and he asked for a list of christmas gift ideas so he could have a ponder:) Anyway, this beauty is literally, making my heart flutter! I promised myself i'd go for more handbaggy handbags, but this just...took my breath away! The colour is so beautiful! I want to be the only one who owns it, ever:L

Please excuse the diddy picture for this one! This blazer is from Miss Selfridge and just looks amaze! The colour will look good on anyone and just the slouchy feel would look so good over a dress and tights, layered up, or with skinny jeans and a nude tee. Just, woah! 
This, to me, scrrrrreams Barbie. Growing up, i remember always being told to never idolise Barbie, or any dolls, for that matter, as they were obscenely beautiful and unrealistic to look up to. However, this pink just fills me with childlike excitement and makes me recall scouring the Woolworths (oh, i feel old!) for that specific Barbie doll. Yes, i loved her, and i did give her a hair cut a few weeks later (her long mane was waaaay improved with my short pixie cut and asymetric..well, uneven, i was like 6, fringe:) ) but i was a happy child! This colour by YSL - Rose Culte, just makes me tingle with beauty fulfillment. My pockets aren't deep or maliable enough to stretch to the £22.00 this beautiful colour (and trademark YSL case!) cost, but the knowledge this colour exists bumps up my happiness level 200%! 

So thats it for Love list 002 - happy reading! What do you think of my loves? :) 

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