Howdy! I've chosen this type today, because i quite like it! I used to have an old typewriter, which used to be my Dads, and i could spend hours typing out FWOgr;feo;groefiuaOSJKCJKWUIGTuihfd then handing it on to unsuspecting victims when they least expect it, telling them that it was Top Secret, and not to show anybody..hold the applause please!
Anyway, today, i'm having multiple storm cloud moments, for example, my love // hate relationship with my blog design..chic and oh-so-mono-chrome (pronounced oh-so-monoh-chrome! its more fun for me) or quirky yet hot to trot a la LLYMLRS, The Sunday Girl etc etc! So confusing! So, after much consideration, i will undergo major sorting of the's bugging me too much atm!
Besides this, i also have TONNES of revision! bleurgh! Remind me why i'm doing this again? Oh yeah. Funfunfun!
And finally, my issue of mega proportions is I just have so much to do today, and so very little time! Later is coming my bonfire outfit- my camera is being a bit silly of late- so once i get it uploaded, i shall post it! The Bonfire was good, thankyou, but fireworks tend to scare me a smidgen. It's just the
Which is a little disconcerting, if you ask me! Anyway, revision is calling!
Ciaou bellas!
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