Sunday, 13 November 2011

Sunday 13th November 2011

OMG I have been such a bad blogger!
I totally started watching The Hurt Locker yesters afternoon and forgot to post my reviews :O i'm sosososo sorry! Anyway, today, is the dawn of Lila v2- i'm going to actually put more effort into my appearance- ie actually blowdrying my hair for the first time in 14 months. My abstinance from hairdryers has not gone unrewarded though- my hair is so healthy at the moment, and i haven't used straighteners since early October. I don't use many products on my hair, apart from John Freida's frizz serum, because my hair is so prone to flyaways and stuff, so it just smooths them down. I'm not a big hairspray user, as it just find my hair is naturally voluminous and such things. So, tonight, i'm going to deep condition my hair, and blow dry it. Possibly using a round brush to create a flickly, toussled look. I'm not yet the owner of a Tangle Tweezer (sobsob!) but hopefully Father Christmas has taken note...anyway, yeah!
I'm also going to go through my SNB cure, so yeah! 
I'll post the reviews up ASAP! 
have a lovely sunday! 

1 comment:

  1. ahh i know what you mean, things always come up and we end up being bad bloggers hehe!
    im so jealous of ur naturally voluminous hair!!!! ahh!
    p.s. im organising a giveaway on my blog, maybe youd like to take part? :)
    XOXO Kasia


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