Sunday, 27 November 2011

Body Shop Monoi Miracle Oil

Not the most imaginative of titles, granted, however, i've just had a shower and combed my hair, and had a revelation. 
I found some Spa Wisdom Body Shop Monoi Miracle Oil in my potions and whatnot cabinet today, and figured, hey, why not give it a go? 
On the website, it claims the following: This fragrant oil is inspired by Polynesian spa rituals. It can be used as a body moisturiser, massage oil, bath oil or hair conditioner.
  • For body, bath and hair
  • Scent of gardenia and coconut
This fragrant oil is inspired by Polynesian spa rituals. It can be used as a body moisturiser, massage oil, bath oil or hair conditioner. 

Well, i can certainly tell you, it smells very fresh and floral- so i'm definitely getting the Gardenia. Just saying, my product is quite old, so is called something slightly different, however, same product, same price etc, just from before they relaunched the product. I shampooed and conditioned my hair, then combed it through with a large tooth comb, then got a palmful of product (which is quite liquid, compared to the viscous substance i was expecting! good surprise though:)) and , for want of a better word, jujjed it through my hair. Just ran my fingers through it, to ensure that coverage was even etc.
I smell fantastic, as of this product. As my hairs still wet, i can't quite speak for it's results yet, but it certainly feels very silky and, no natural-dry frizz so far! Can't be going far wrong!

Concerning price, it can be seen quite pricey, at £10 a bottle, but it's one of those bottles that lasts for ages and ages and ages. My cousin bought a miniscule bottle of almond oil for her hair, at £16, and it's still going now..3 months on. So, buying a oil for your hair / body is quite a commitment as it's going to last an aaaage, so you best invest wisely (and like the smell). So far, i'm enjoying this greatly, and although i can't actually remember buying it (probably a present from yonks ago!:L), it's definitely worth the money, and the luxury smell and just velvet-y smooth feel of your hair will speak for itself! I'll post up my results tomorrow morning! 

What's your favourite hair oil?! 

BTW, i'm aware hair oil has been around for donkeys yeaaars, but i'm just cottoning on now! And i'm glad i have! yum!

OH! If you want to check it out, click here. For those who are very Well, is it a highly rated product?! (don't worry, i am too..), it's 4.8 stars of 5. Need i say more? 


  1. I've never used a hair oil but read a lot about it lately, this one sounds nice :)

  2. @Celia it definitely makes my hair, at least, very swishy and soft. But i must admit, i went overboard a little with the oil on my hair, so i'm just going to wash it out:) They also smell really good!:)


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