Sunday, 6 November 2011

Monday 7th November '11

If i hadn't a sore throat right now, i would wrench open my window and sing this song at the top of my lungs to the neighbours, birds, horses in the field and chickens who are clucking below (although the chicken should be in their pen. I'll chase them later...), because, it feels like a good morning!
I did my 5 step cure to the SNBs and i feel awesome! I washed my hair, using Head & Shoulders, because a) it smells yummy, b) i need to keep switching shampoos or my hair goes flat after a while and c) because i am a little susceptible to dandruff. No shame however, because i don't get it often at all...once every 6 or 7's really weird! If you do have dandruff, and want desperately to get rid of it- my advice would be to try a number of shampoos / conditioners. H&S works well for me, but cleansing masks for  your hair sometimes work well, as dandruff is typically caused by a build up of hair products sticking to your head and causing this crazy embarrassing white flakes. If you get caught with dandruff, please put your hair up, and spare yourself the embarrassment of having to blame "having a taclum powder fight" would not believe the amount of times that has worked!
Anyway, for shampoo i used Timotei volume boosting something or other, for weak hair. I have thick, occasionally lustrous locks, so you squares out there may be wondering Why on earth does she need weak hair conditioner? Because it works wonders for my hair! With pricier brands like Toni & Guy and John Frieda, you should probably heed their instruction, but with Timotei, just do your thaaang! I leave Timotei in for upwards of 2 minutes, which makes my hair like liquid gold! Just less liquid. It feels sooooooooooo soft, and smells gorgeous. I only conditions the bottom like 10 inches or so of my hair, and i'll explain why another time, but this means that my Conditioners don't last for a very long time. However, that may just be me, using copious amounts- smack on the wrist for me!

Anyway, if you excuse the ramble, i thought i'd review something a bit different! So, last night after my shower, i felt the need to EXFOLIIIIIIIIISE and MOISTURIZEEEE (i'm aware these are spelt horrendously, but say them like a gospel preacher- cool, eh?). This is significant, i do not do this often- for i just fail to have the time / effort. But last night, i used Vaseline moisturising Oil with Cocoa butter. It smells lovely- a little like chocolate (duh:L), and goes on quite slick. It's absorbed pretty quickly which is a massive + ...It claims to "lock in moisture, and give the skin a natural, healthy glow". The 8-year-old in me screamed GLOW IN THE DARK, or at the very least a fairy shimmery aura, however this does neither. What it does do, is make my skin at least very soft and look very healthy. And i don't know how it does it, but there is a sort of glow- quite a feat for anything to do that to my snowy skin! My only issue is that i now have a spot of my right hand, and this only appeared after application, so maybe it's not especially kind to hands...however, it may just be a spot that has been waiting for its time to i'm unsure..I can't remember how much it was, but being Vaseline product, i can't imagine it breaking the bank...I'd definitely say that if you're looking for something unconventional and hydrating then this is definitely it. However, perhaps not a great Christmas present, because it could be er...misconcieved!

Enjoy your monday! 

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